(overrides CoFs steamapi.dll) However you can put it into 'common/Cry of Fear/cryoffear/' if you really want to. Cry of Fear > General Discussions > Topic Details. Yes you can, you friend creates a server then he tells you the IP address of the server, then you type in 'Connect Server IP address' and you are in.
You can use this version of the fixed server browser If you extract the files into the Cry of Fear directory (common/Cry of Fear) you will break the game because this application runs a newer version of SteamAPI. friends server you cant you need to download a thing that the owner of the game posted. Yes, the games server browser broken after a steam update, so you can't see servers, however, they are still there (if someone made one), they just don't show because its broken, you can still connect to servers if you know their IP.