Dad and I are also big fans of shallots and thyme so adding those is really a no brainer. We are not making potato soup after all, and we prefer our potatoes to retain a little bite after they’ve been baked. What we like about this simple dish is that it is creamy without being soupy. Over the years we tweaked the classic Joy of Cooking recipe for basic Scalloped Potatoes recipe until we finally landed on, what we feel, is our best possible version.

My father and I were always put in charge of the spuds at Thanksgiving when I was little and this became something of a signature dish of ours.
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In fact, this is one of the first potato recipes I ever learned how to make. I prefer my potatoes to be crispy like our favorite Rosemary Roasted Potatoes, or sliced thin and bathed in a light layer of cream and cheese au gratin-style.

I’ll freely admit that I am not one of those mashed potato addicts. Next week I plan to indulge in our favorite Thanksgiving dessert so stay tuned! Over the weekend I made a classic Roast Chicken and paired them with these Scalloped Potatoes with Thyme. Last week I made some of Gwyneth’s Caramelized Brussels Sprouts with Lemon & Olive Oil and they were as delicious as ever. Just because we aren’t having a huge feast doesn’t mean we should skip our favorites for an entire year. In light of this I’ve had some fun spacing out some of our Thanksgiving favorites over the past week. Next year I am sure we’ll happily host a huge family bash, but this year I need a little break. It will be nice and easy which is just what I’m in the mood for since I am definitely slowing down a bit. This year we’ll have a small family celebration in Boston. Even though our postponed Halloween celebration just took place on Saturday I am in Thanksgiving mode.